Monday, 4 August 2014

Updating your look on a budget... Is this possible??? YES!!!

A girlfriend recently said “how on earth do you update your wardrobe on a budget??!!” Although I immediately blurted out “ACCESSORIES” like I was some extra on the Lego movie, a light bulb moment ensued. How many people are waiting for more money or a better body to update their wardrobe??
Another friend completely refuses to let me dress her because she doesn’t like her current body shape and keeps saying she needs to save up so she can spend a lot on the update. Being "unhappy" with your shape, in particular, is exactly this time to update… And lets face it you will never have a "spare" $2000 for wardrobe maintenance. By changing a little you will look better, act more confident and best of all feel better. We all know how good it is to receive compliments from our peers. As for the budget – there is no point in loading your credit cards, know your dollar figure and stick to it. The priorities will naturally rise to the top – which is not a bad thing at all.
So how do you update your wardrobe when you are feeling less than fabulous with your body… Start by my reading body issues blog. It is all about dressing to your shape. 

So how do you update your wardrobe on a budget?  What many stylists don't tell you, it is easier to shop with bigger budgets.  In particular you can delve into the “designer” shops that have capsule wardrobes which work well together.  However this usually results in 3 pieces coming home rather than one piece.  It is more of a challenge to sift through the racks in Farmers, K-mart, Max and The House of G (Glassons) to find great pieces at a fraction of the price.  BUT they do exist.
Here are 3 simple rules I follow in the budget shopping challenges:
  • Most important rule of all DO NOT buy it because it is a great price on sale. If it is something you need for your wardrobe and will wear and fits well – you have a bargain. If you are buying something on sale because it is on sale you have just wasted money.
  • Go with a list of what you need to fill your wardrobe gaps, what your body shape suits, what colours you want. Really challenge your self to buy what you need rather than the items you find easy to buy… All you “Jacket specialists” and “habitual jean buyers” stand up now!!!
  • If you are trying something on really think about what else you have to wear with this potential new piece. How many times have you brought a top that looked great with the shop pants, jacket and shoes but you can’t quite get it to go with anything you currently have.
Stay tuned for some great examples.  Or better still, send me examples that you have found!